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Man In Italian Language


With Valentine’s Day just around the corner (and because Italian is, after all, one of the most romantic languages in the world according to this list, this list and ALSO this list, there is no better time to learn the vocabulary and phrases you’ll need to successfully navigate a romantic candlelit dinner with your lover.

Over 100000 Italian translations of English words and phrases. (well-mannered, well-bred man) gentiluomo, signore m. 'gentleman' in Other Languages. Saying man in Other Foreign Languages Please find below many ways to say man in different languages. This is the translation of the word 'man' to over 80 other languages.


Grab your chocolate and roses, and get ready to celebrate Valentine’s Day (La Festa degli innamorati) Italian style!

(P.S. If you’re looking for less romance and just want to know how to talk about what you love to do, here’s the article for you.)

First things first, you’re going to need some pet names (nomignoli) with which you can affectionately beckon your lover when he or she comes to pick you up for your date.

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You can try:

– Tesoro mio – My treasure
– Cuore mio – My heart
– Amore mio – My love
– Caro/cara – Dear

However, according to this website, these pet names “sono ‘out.’” You can click on that link if you’re looking for something more original to call your sweetheart, like, perhaps, pulcino/a (little chick),biscottino (little biscuit).

So, you get into the Fiat with your biscottino and you’re on your way to a fancy restaurant. But what did he or she bring you?

Perhaps one of the following:

– Un mazzolino di fiori – A bouquet of flowers
– Un mazzolino di rose – A bouquet of roses
> Or even more specifically, una dozzina di rose rosse – A dozen of red roses
– Un pensierino – A little gift (literally a little thought)
– Una scatola di cioccolatini – A box of chocolates
– I gioielli – Jewelry
> Una collana – A necklace
>Un anello – A ring
> Un bracciale – A bracelet

You can thank him or her by saying…

– Grazie tesoro mio, la collana è bellissima! Sei così premuroso/a. – Thank you my treasure, the necklace is beautiful! You’re so thoughtful.

You could also add…

– La guarderò ogni giorno, pensando a te. – I will stare at it every day and think of you.

Once you’re sitting at the restaurant, gazing into each other’s eyes over heaping plates of spaghetti alla carbonara, you’ll need something to say.

– Sono attratto/a da te. – I’m attracted to you.
– Ti amo. – I love you (romantically).
> You can add tanto or molto to the end of the phrase to express a LOT of love.
– Sei la mia anima gemella. – You are my soul mate.
> You probably shouldn’t use this one on the first date.
– Voglio passare il resto della mia vita con te. – I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
> This one either.
– Mi vuoi sposare? – Will you marry me?
> Or the more informal, Sposami!
– Mi sono infatuato/a di te. – I’m infatuated with you.
– Mi hai cambiato la vita. – You changed my life.
– Sei bellissimo/a. – You are beautiful.
– Ho un debole per te. – I’m weak for you.
– Sei l’unico/a per me. – You’re the only one for me.
– Non posso vivere senza di te. — I can’t live without you.
– Sei tutto per me. – You’re everything to me.
– Sono pazzo/a di te. – I’m crazy about you.
– Sei l’uomo/la donna dei miei sogni. – You’re the man/woman of my dreams.
– Sei il grande amore della mia vita. – You are the love of my life.
– Voglio invecchiare con te. – I want to grow old with you.
– Nei tuoi occhi c’è il cielo. – Heaven is in your eyes.
– Da quando ti conosco la mia vita è un paradiso. – Since I met you my life is a paradise.
– Dammi un bacio. – Give me a kiss.
– Ti voglio sempre al mio fianco. – I want you always by my side.
– Sono innamorato/a di te. – I’m in love with you.
– Potrei guardarti tutto il giorno. – I could look at you all day.
– Ti penso ogni giorno. – I think about you every day.

Wonderful In Italian

Want to download this card? Click here for the printable PDF version.


Sei il sole della mia vita. – You are the sun in my life.

Want to download this card? Click here for the printable PDF version.

Il mio cuore batte solo per te. – My heart beats only for you.

Want to download this card? Click here for the printable PDF version.

Want to share your Italian date story with The Iceberg Project or have some romantic phrases of your own to contribute? Comment below!

Giovane is an Italian equivalent of 'young man.'
Specifically, the Italian word is a masculine gender noun. It may be preceded by the masculine singular definite article il ('the') or the masculine singular indefinite article un, uno ('a, one'). The pronunciation will be 'DJOH-vah-ney' in Italian.

Italian Word For Handsome Man

Giovane is an Italian equivalent of 'young man.'
Specifically, the Italian word is a masculine gender noun. It may be preceded by the masculine singular definite article il ('the') or the masculine singular indefinite article un, uno ('a, one'). The pronunciation will be 'DJOH-vah-ney' in Italian.